The color BLUE is a color of trust, peace, order and loyalty. What a lovely color. Once I found this gorgeous blue paper strips in my box I immediately thought of making a Blue Floral Jewellery for my daughter whose birthday is coming up. So I ended up making this Beautiful Floral Jewellery.
She is going to wear a beautiful Blue gown ( This year Blue is her favourite color ;-) ) I am sure this jewellery piece will go good with her dress. Felt really excited when I saw the completed one.
Infact this is my first attempt making a complete quilled jewellery. I am very happy with the output.
It was an awesome feeling when my daughter said " I LOVE IT MUMMA". Even though she had lot of doubt whether it will be strong, waterproof and so on... still she is just waiting for the birthday so that she can wear it and show her friends...
Thank you for stopping by...Happy Quilling... :-)